Natures Gift
by Marcia Lee Jones
Natures Gift
Marcia Lee Jones
Photograph - Photography
A natural pond is one that exists in nature – one that is not man-made. That is certainly a very good description, but natural ponds can also be man-made, in which case they exist without the use of pumps, filters or chemicals. The pond may or may not have a liner to hold in water, but other than this everything else about the pond is controlled and managed by nature.
May 29th, 2022
Comments (126)
RF Clark Photography - Rob Clark
Intriguing capture Marcia! There is something about the way you portrayed this image that continues to draw me into it. Certainly the vignetting is a major reason but still there is something, maybe the reflection is enhanced and the wanting to see more is strong. Great work!!! - FAV/FOL